The Hungarian Song in Pictures (By Zsombó)

Your Task


And now, it's your turn. :) What do you think? What is this song about?

Give your story under 'Comments' referring to your town or village as 'Name'.

Comments: 17 (Discussion closed)
  • #17

    Stigliano (Thursday, 21 June 2012 15:54)

    Danube wind ( Zsombò)

    Brrrrr! The wind is blowing! It’s very cold.

    It comes from Danube and It drags all the leaves.

    It quickly crosses cities, towns and villages.

    Fishes are cool, too and they lead into the Danube searching warm water.

    A child is crying in his crib but he doesn’t know that will be the brave hero that he will defeat Danube cold wind.

  • #16

    Oliwia .W 4D (Tuesday, 12 June 2012 19:12)

    Pewnego razu w pewnej wiosce pojawił się wielki wiatr.Mieszkańcy wsi nie chcieli tego wiatru.pewnego dnia chłopczyk chciał ubrać się na dwór w lekką bluzę.Mama jego zaś kazała nałożyć mu kurtkę.Obrażony chłopczyk nałożył kurtkę,a przy jej nakładaniu przypomniał sobie jaki był jak miał miesiąc aż do teraz.Więc chłopi naradzili się i poszli zaprotestować do żołnieży.Źołnieże zaś zwalczyli wiatr i mieszkańcy wioski byli szczęśliwi.

  • #15

    Rachel P3 Armagh (Friday, 20 April 2012 15:49)

    I think it was bout a man who was walking when it started to rain. He walked the whole way to a house , where a girl asked him why he was so small. He replied about how he was small but wanted to be a soldier or a piliot of a wooden plane

  • #14

    liam and eoin (Tuesday, 17 April 2012 15:34)

    The wind was swirling picking up leaves as it swooshed and danced. Along came a solitary horseman who made his made relenteleesly through the strong winds however the winds died down just as he arrived at a cottage where he arranged to meet a young lade and take her into the countryside for a picnic where the breeze continued to blow.The young lady thought about the man , remembering how he ahd grown up to be a strong brave soldier who went bravely off to fight as the wind continued to blow.

  • #13

    Vítězslav (Wednesday, 04 April 2012 19:51)

    good post

  • #12

    Janka, Zsani, Rita, Évi from Zsombó (Friday, 06 January 2012 14:56)

    We loved this activities! <3

  • #11

    Natalie Aife Chelsea, Liam, and Eion N ireland (Friday, 01 July 2011 13:38)

    Once upon a time we think that it is the summer, but there can be wind days in summer.
    And the girls on the river bank were having a picnic.The boys could have been taking the baby outside.The solider could have been fighting branches and leaves.And the man in the solider outfit was probably fighting.
    The man was riding his horse in the sunshine and then he went home on his horse.
    When he went home on his horse it started to rain and all the dark clouds came out.
    The solider started to cry and went in to his cottage.

  • #10

    Luka, Jamie, Junior and Eimantas.P6 N Ireland (Friday, 01 July 2011 13:37)

    In this story we think the wind is magic and it makes people happy but there is an evil king and queen who send out their warrior to defeat the wind because they don’t want people to be happy.

    The unhappy man is unhappy because there isn’t any happy wind.

    The warrior slices the wind but then gets blown away.

  • #9

    Laura, Aoibheanna, Ciara, Mary Ann, Molly and Aoife N Ireland (Friday, 01 July 2011 13:36)

    Once upon a time there were only three types of weather-wind, rain and sun, all the boys and girls were bored. The wind was blowing leaves away very strongly out at sea. A girl and a boy were beside a stream and the boy gave a flower to the girl. It was just after a storm and a field was flooded. A little man was angry and cold because there was very cold wind and he didn’t like the wind. Inside there were three men looking after a baby in a bed. The baby had just woken up. Suddenly the wind stopped.

  • #8

    Damian, lewis, geert, dan and Kristiyan (Armagh) (Friday, 01 July 2011 13:35)

    Once upon a time there was a bunch of leaves floating over the sea. Then there was a man who liked it. He had a wife, son and a baby. He loved lots of weathers! There was once a man who was sad and wanted to go on the other side of the big lake but he wanted a boat!!!!! And he hated the weather!!!!!

  • #7

    Ben, Cerie, Colin&Kuba (Friday, 01 July 2011 13:34)

    One extremely autumnal day, there was a very strong gust of wind out at sea. A little, thin man, on a black stallion went up onto a hill, to see how bad it was, “Jeez!!!” he said “pretty bad,”, there was a typhoon out at sea gathering &leaving leaves in its wake.

    5,000 miles away there was a little girl next to her holiday-home, thinking of how lonely &chilly it was. Just looking at the sea gave her an urge of escaping.

  • #6

    Piotr J. VIb, Poland (Tuesday, 14 June 2011 19:46)

    The wind is blowing. A knight is recalling his childhood. It was beautiful weather, and he was sitting with a friend by a stream. The wind began to blow and the boy went home. He felt chilly because he didn't wear warm clothes and the wind was very cold. He was ill throughout his childhood. His friends visited him, and therefore he recovered. After recovery he became a knight and fought and fought against the wind.

  • #5

    Sandra B. VIb, Poland (Monday, 13 June 2011 17:56)

    The wind blew and the horse couldn't go. Later the wind stopped blowing. Children
    went outside because it was much warmer. Then again, the wind started to blow. Mother hit up on an idea to sew a costume for her child. The small boy grew up to be a courageous knight who is not afraid of the wind.

  • #4

    Agnieszka K. VI D from Poland (Monday, 13 June 2011 17:05)

    When the wind blows it's cold and plants don't grow properly. People are so poor that they don't even have their own houses. That's why they are very sad and unhappy. One day a boy is born in a small village. He grows up very fast. He wants to be a knight and defeat the wind. Finally, his dream comes true; he becomes a brave knight who manages to conquer the hostile, cold wind and all the people are extremely grateful to him.

  • #3

    Paweł S. VI D from Zambrów, Poland (Monday, 13 June 2011 16:37)

    A storm was approaching. The lone knight was reminiscing about the time when he was still a small boy. Meanwhile, the wind was blowing hard. The knight recalled a particularly bright and sunny day, when he took a girlfriend for a walk by a stream. A sudden gust of wind made him regret not listening to his mother that had insisted on him wearing a warm jacket. This memory made him ponder how that little boy grew into a brave warrior. It must have been thanks to his friends, who always visited him when he was ill, to give him aid and support. The knight thought it would be best if he returned home as soon as possible. And the wind was blowing and blowing...

  • #2

    Magda G. from Zambrów in Poland (Thursday, 09 June 2011 19:07)

    There is a boy who lives in the house by the river. When the weather is nice, he is happy and he meets his friends. When the weather is bad, he stays at home with his mother. He often sits at home and looks out of the window dreaming about his future. He wants to be a soldier, so he practises a lot every day. He hopes that one day his dream come true.

  • #1

    Dawid Dzwonkowski (Monday, 06 June 2011 21:25)

    The wind blows from the Danube. A small boy goes on journey along the river. The wind blows from the Danube. There is a cold weather because of the wind. The sun shine and the birds could sing. The boy grows up very quickly and becames a brave knight. He fights and wins in the battle with a powerfull wind from the Danube